Setting attributes

You can set an attribute within a section or passage like this:

@set score = 1000

If the value is a number, it will be stored as a number. Otherwise, it will be stored as a string.

For boolean (true/false) values, to set as true:

@set my_true_value

and to set as false:

@set not my_false_value

or alternatively:

@unset my_false_value

For number values, you can increase or decrease the value by 1:

@inc score
@dec health

Or to increase or decrease by other amounts:

@inc score 100
@dec health 5

You can also set an attribute value from a link:

Are you [[male]](start, gender=male) or [[female]](start, gender=female)?

Your choice has been recorded.

And you can also set a value in JavaScript:

    squiffy.set("gender", "female");

You can also set an attributes values in if clause, add {@ operations} after condition colon(:), like this:

    {if a=1:{@b+=1,c-=1,d=2,not e}}{else:{@b+=2,c+=2,d=3,e}}

Reading attributes

You can display the value of an attribute by surrounding it with curly brackets.

You chose {gender}.

You can also read a value using JavaScript:

    var gender = squiffy.get("gender");

You can conditionally display text depending on the value of an attribute using “if” inside curly brackets. You can also use “else”:

{if gender=male:You are a man.}{else:You are a woman.}

Or you can compare two attributes, add @ before second attribute, it is treated as a squiffy attribute not value:

{if a=@b:attribute value a and attribute value b are equals.}{else:Are differtents.}